A Little Christmas Special

Christmas season is here!! These are some pictures from taken from my outing with my family at 1 Borneo, hope you all enjoy~

These are the Christmas decorations, for one of the main stages in 1Borneo (its the biggest 'lifestyle shopping mall' in the whole of Borneo) , Sorry I didn't take these pictures at the side angle, I was in a rush that day.

These are some random items that i find very cute and meaningful

A candy cane carried by a little bird with sweet tooth... I mean beak :p

Yup, there was a PC FAIR at 1Borneo that day, and that's the main reason why we went there hehe, the main reason I'm posting up this picture is because of the holly leaf. Its nice right?

I took a picture of the wreath, just in case you guys can't identify it.

A close up of the fir tree in 1Borneo, it has simple deco, but still gives me a warm fuzzy feeling

That's all from me this time, may God bless you all and have a happy and joyful week ^^


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