World Peace Day message

In 1968, Pope Paul called on all people of the world to celebrate together the “Day of Peace” on January 1st. Since then, each year has been celebrated by Catholics and non-Catholics alike and is marked by a special annual peace message from the Holy Father.

For this 48th World Day of Peace, Pope Benedict XVI has chosen the theme: “If You Want to Cultivate Peace, Protect Creation”.

Man’s inhumanity to man has given rise to numerous threats to peace: wars, international and regional conflicts, acts of terrorism, and violations of human rights etc. Yet no less troubling are the threats arising from the neglect and misuse of the earth and the nature goods that God has given us.

The use of resources, climate change, the application and use of bio technologies and democratic growth are all issues that can have repercussions across national borders for generation to come. Hence protecting the natural environment is a challenge all people must face together, we must recognize that we have an obligation to respect a gift God created for all.

Pope Benedict said, “The environment is God’s gift to everyone, and in our use of it we have a responsibility toward the poor, toward the future generations and toward humanity as whole.” Countries should share the national resources equitably and not exploit those found in poor countries. Stockpiling of natural resources, which in many cases are found in the poor countries themselves, gives rise to exploitation and frequent conflicts between and within nations. These conflicts will destruct and further decay a country.

That is in global perspective, so what can we do as an individual to safeguard creation? Well, first step should be transforming how we use our energy, much of what we need to do, we already know. Plant a garden, switch off switches that are not in use, use car pools or mass transits to travel, recycle etc. There is no simple solution, but 100% of the Earth’s population doing a very small thing, makes a big difference. Thus we should increase awareness to preserve and restore the natural environment and eliminating some of the causes of environmental disasters.

The environment is God’s gift to everyone, and in our use of it we have a responsibility toward the poor, toward the future generations and toward humanity as a whole.

God bless you all, and have a Happy New 2010


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