
Hello everyone, today is Ash Wednesday, and its the start of the Lent season. For those who don't understand the meaning of Lent season, I had planned to write a whole post about it, buuut I figured that a video means so much more than words :P

Plus this video has explained Lent season quite well in just 1 minute! Now I know inti student widi is very VERY slow, but be patience and try to load it and watch. Trust me, it's worth more than the 1 hour time we spend on checking friend's status in Facebook ;)

Hope you guys understand something from this video.

Numbers 19:9, 19:17
Jonah 3:6,
Matthew 11:21
Luke 10:13
Hebrews 9:13
Ash Wednesday is a day of repentance , and Lent is a time for transformation.

So let us repent, transform and come back to the heart of worship. God bless, everyone :)


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