Cheshire Home Visitaion 17/01/2010

Hello everyone! Last Sunday our ICCF committees along with the Wewang care society did a visitation to Cheshire Home, and I must say, its a visitation worth revisiting again. Sorry for the late posting, but there's a lot of things going on this week that contributes to my slackness (one of them is due to the "inti student", think you guys should understand right? Hehehe) anyway, hope you all like these photos taken during the visitation, it brings a lot of meaning to me, hope it does the same to you all too, enjoy~ (click on the pictures to enlarge)

They got their very own swimming pool!:

This is the photographer for Wewang care society

Hendry:" Let me explain ho this camera works..."
Remie & Qiki:" Oh just take our photo please =.="
Kate:"I want to be in the picture :( "

This room is specially for the patience which suffers from backbone damage

Kate:"If I jump, will I reach the ceiling?"

Dez:"Think were lost..."
Hendry:"I don't think we are even at the right place in the 1st place..."

Tavia: "Wow this door is very small, It can't fit us at all"
Kenny:"No, its just you blocking it"
Random guy at the back:"Agree"

Their dining room:

Their organ player

Their reading materials

These are some of pictures of their previous years' activity that they post on their board. Sort of like their own handmade blog :D

The decorations that they made by hand:

It amazes me a lot because even I can't even make any one of them

Sister Benica, a great soul, with a touching story behind to tell:

One of the key chains that Poncho made, its a mouse with a green skirt :)

A picture of me with Poncho and Julia :D

Me and Poncho^^ he's a very funny guy, he even gave me one of his hand phone number, yes he got two hand-phones 0.O hahaha

These key chains are made by :

This women is making blankets, she is sawing them by hand:

What touches my heart the most, is that she although she is doing these as a income, she still take into consideration that the blankets should be sawed double layers so that the users of the blankets will be warm. Even at this age, her motherly love and care still manage to warm my soul :)

The three act handsome wannabe musketeers hehe:

Lastly some random photos of a cat that I took inside the Cheshire Home compound :D

Here is a brief history of why it is called Cheshire Home:

Because it is a link of more than 250 familiar homes spread over 52 countries of the world which are affiliates of the Leonard Cheshire Foundation. This network has grown out of Leonard Cheshire's personal concern for one man's predicament.

In 1948, Cheshire, who had left the Royal Air Force after World War II as its most decorated bomber pilot and youngest Group Captain, heard that an ex-serviceman whom he knew was dying from cancer.

His hospital bed was needed for curable cases and he had nowhere to go.

Cheshire took the man into his own home, a large house in the country, and nurse him personally, until he died. Others in need followed until, with the help of a committee of sympathetic friends, Cheshire turned his house into the first "Cheshire Home"

Thus was the seed planted.

The Foundation, which is honored by the patronage of H.M. Queen Elizabeth, is based in London. However, each of the homes is completely autonomous, its link with London and with the others being of shared ideals and sentiment- Not of control or financial dependence.

Here I would like to thank Dez for giving us the opportunity to work with Wewang care society and most importantly letting us gain this valuable experience. Thanks very much!!!

These few days I will post up few of our committees' testimonies on this visitation, so make sure you visit us frequently~ Hehe

May God bless you all~

(some photo are courtesy of Mrs Qiki, thanks very much!!)

1 comment:

kenny said...

It was a great sharing and really remind me to keep walking with God and do not give up. And we ourselves has to be set example to others friend that need us help, or around us all the time. Glory to God.