I'm A Slacker #Part 2

Hello!! following my 1st slack post, here are some more pictures of our club's activities this year:

Pictures from our last gathering

Our beloved warden, Uncle Layen

A talk about "Time is Money" from brother Eman. Very meaningful

Many say that they are sisters, how bout you?


Jasper and Mia

Olivia & Kiki

Big Lionel and Angel

Chang Siew Rung & Big Lionel

The brothers

The JasperS and Beca

Left 4 dead inspired

The three musketeers

Our club's small installation ceremony :

The present president: Kenny Thien / previous president : Juliet J.J

The present vice president: Lionel Liew/ previous vice presidents: Rebekah Balan
(Melvin was not present that day)

The present vice secretary: Nariea Elvis aka Kiki/ previous vice secretary: Grace-Alyssa

The present head of house keeping: Remie /the previous head of house keeping: Angel Ting

Presenting the Certificate of Appreciation to the committee of 08-09:

Event Organizer

House Keeping

Creative Department

Music Department



Asstant Secretary

Vice Presidents (Again, Melvin was not present)


Mari kita makan!!!! (Let us eat!!!) :
Its an all you can eat potluck : )

Pictures of our steamboat outing:

Alvin Dian

Some more pictures of our Mount Singai Retreat:

How did I end up here?

Oh ya, I was placed here hehe

More random pictures of us having dinner at 101:

Sarcastic 1, 2, 3, 4 pose

I would like to spend some time to say thank to our beloved Adviser, Madam Agnes for her never ending supply of wisdom, enthusiasm and support. She is always there to give us advice, and offers us a helping hand whenever we need help.

Madam Agnes, you are the greatest!!

May God bless you in everything that you do.
(and yes, Beca is her daughter :D)

(most of the pictures are courtesy of Big Lionel)

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